When it comes to toys, some think of a car, some think of a doll whose hair shines like the sun, some think of a horse made of wood, and some think of mechanisms that they play on computers through various consoles.
From Small to Large, everyone likes to play games. Some spend hours on the computer dragging their team from tournament to tournament, while others jump rope with their necks, play house with small pots and cups.
The history of the Game and the Toy goes back as far as the existence of mankind. The first toy known in our history belongs to the Egyptians. M.He. it has been documented that Egyptian children in the early fifth century were very fond of riding Wooden Horses, like their current peers. As in all decencies, animals have a special place among the most important toys of children ( in our era it was so ).
We can say that the mass production of wooden horses and similar animals was started by Germany in the 1700s. If you are interested in old toys and toy history and if you are going to travel through Sonneberg / Germany, I am sure that the German Toy Museum will fascinate you. The oldest one found and the main role in the beginning story of the Doll era is played by the German Heinrich Schiliemann. The doll, which is supposed to be made with Greek Clay art, is called ”Rattle Clay Doll”. This doll was made of clay and had movable arms and legs.
in the early 1800s, wooden jointed, molded dolls began to be made, and these dolls were also called Sonneberg Dolls. Dolls that did not have any aesthetics until the beginning of the nineteenth century began to develop towards the end of this century as dolls with slot joints, sleeping eyes, fancy decorative dresses, and capable of making sounds.
When we put the development and appreciation balances of toys on the table, we can easily monitor the Changes in the Interests of societies. For example, in the Middle Ages, children mainly played with knights, horses, soldiers and babies, while nowadays it is also an indicator that Astronauts, Flying Man figures and various weapons and various technologies are equipped with.
In our country, when it is called toy production, the first thing that comes to mind is the Eyüp Toys of the Ottoman Period. Evliya Celebi described Toy Shopkeepers as 100 shops and 105 nefer in her travelogue.
Speaking of Ottoman-era toymakers, we can mention the Circle, Wooden Car, Ferris Wheel, Whistle, Tambourine, Decoy, Pinwheel, Ball, Topac, Shaksak, Mother-in-law's Whine and Mirror Cribs among the toys that children of that period most liked to play with. Speaking of toy museums in Germany, it is impossible not to mention the important toy museums in our country. You can visit the most important of them in Istanbul, Antalya, Izmir and Ankara. Do yourself a favor and take a Trip to the Past with your children or friends this weekend and visit a toy museum near you. Jul, I assure you, you will forget about the stress of the week by going back to your childhood and childhood.
Sonneberg Toy Museum
Ankara University Toy Museum
What is a toy and how is it defined? What significance and function do toys have? Our article contains general information about toys.
TOYS are things that allow children to have fun and linger at a young age. A toy, like a game, greatly helps the child develop spiritually.
It is believed that since prehistoric times, children have been playing with toys. During the excavations carried out in Egypt, Iran, various toys were found, very beautiful dolls and dollhouse items were found in the ruins of the ancient Cretan civilization.
The toy is pleasant as long as it helps a child to expand his dream. Most of the little girls play with dolls, toys and household items and try to put themselves in the shoes of their mothers and other elders. If they can expand their dreams while playing with these toys, the game will continue. Then there comes a point when the toy can no longer feed the child's dream. Then the child gets tired of playing with this toy, goes in search of another way to distract himself.
Sometimes a stick can distract a child for a day, because the imagination of children is much wider than that of adults. A carved wooden head attached to a small stick can be a beautiful Christmas tree in the eyes of a girl, a happy housewife, a famous person that everyone likes. When playing with this toy, he also expands his dream even more, making up various stories. For a boy, it's a stick horse, a sword.
The history of toys in many countries is as old as the history of Mankind. In ancient Egypt, children used to play with wooden dolls, crocodiles made of wood. The boys from Rome were keen on the ball, the car, the hoop. The children of the Middle Ages loved the armored suits of their fathers, the clothes that reminded them of helmets, they took wooden crosses in their hands and played military service. All the toys from the Middle Ages were items that came out of master hands.
New inventions have also had a very important share in increasing the variety of toys. With each new discovery, a new toy has appeared. For example, toy radios, toy ships, toy trains, toy missiles, rockets XX. they are the innovations of the century.
Today it has become an important palace of toymaking all over the world. By the way, toymaking in Japan, in America, is decently advanced. Toys have been made that not only children, but even adults can linger with pleasure. In earlier times, Europe was the center of world toymaking. The French's fancy fancy dolls were famous all over the world, and the city of Nuremberg in Germany had also become the center of the toy industry.