Çocuklar ve Oyuncaklar

Çocuklar için oyuncak, eğlenceden çok daha fazlasıdır. Oyuncaklar, çocukların fiziksel, zihinsel ve sosyal gelişimlerine katkıda bulunur. Oyun oynayarak çocuklar, motor becerilerini geliştirir, problem çözmeyi öğrenir, yaratıcılıklarını geliştirir ve sosyalleşirler.

Oyuncaklarla oynarken çocuklar, farklı karakterlere bürünebilir, farklı hikayeler yaratabilir ve kendi dünyalarını inşa edebilirler. Bu, çocukların hayal güçlerini ve yaratıcılıklarını geliştirmeye yardımcı olur.

Oyuncaklar, çocukların fiziksel gelişimlerine de katkıda bulunur. Oyuncaklarla oynarken çocuklar, koşar, zıplar, atlar ve eğlenirler. Bu, çocukların kaslarını güçlendirir ve koordinasyonlarını geliştirir.

Oyuncaklarla oynarken çocuklar, problem çözmeyi öğrenir, yeni şeyler öğrenir ve hafızalarını geliştirir. Bu, çocukların zihinsel gelişimlerine yardımcı olur.

Oyuncaklar, çocukların sosyalleşmelerine de yardımcı olur. Oyuncaklarla oynarken çocuklar, diğer çocuklarla birlikte oynar, işbirliği yapar ve iletişim kurar.

Çocuklar için oyuncak seçerken, çocuğun yaşına, ilgi alanlarına ve gelişim düzeyine dikkat etmek önemlidir. Çocuğun yaşına uygun olmayan oyuncaklar, çocuğun güvenliğini tehlikeye atabilir. Çocuğun ilgi alanlarına uygun olmayan oyuncaklar, çocuğun ilgisini çekmeyebilir. Çocuğun gelişim düzeyine uygun olmayan oyuncaklar, çocuğun gelişimini engelleyebilir.

Çocuklar için oyuncak seçerken, aşağıdaki noktalara dikkat etmek gerekir:

Oyuncak, çocuğun yaşına uygun olmalıdır.

Oyuncak, çocuğun ilgi alanlarına uygun olmalıdır.

Oyuncak, çocuğun gelişim düzeyine uygun olmalıdır.

Oyuncak, güvenli olmalıdır.

Oyuncak, kaliteli olmalıdır.

Çocuklar için oyuncak seçerken, bu noktalara dikkat ederek, çocuğunuzun sağlıklı ve mutlu bir şekilde gelişmesine yardımcı olabilirsiniz.

Oyuncakların Çocuk Gelişimindeki Etkisi

Çocuklar için oyuncaklar, sadece eğlenmek ve oynamak için kullanılan araçlar değil aynı zamanda gelişim süreçlerinde önemli bir role sahiptir. Oyuncaklar, çocukların fiziksel, zihinsel, sosyal ve duygusal becerilerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı olur. İşte oyuncakların çocuk gelişimindeki etkileri:

Oyuncakların Çocuk Gelişimindeki Etkisi

Motor Becerileri Gelişimi:

Oyuncaklar, çocukların motor becerilerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı olur. Özellikle manipülatif oyuncaklar (bloklar, yapbozlar, legolar) el-göz koordinasyonunu ve ince motor becerilerini güçlendirir. Çocuklar, oyuncakları ile etkileşim kurarak parmak kaslarını ve hareket kabiliyetlerini geliştirirler.

Duygusal Gelişim:

Oyuncaklar, çocukların duygusal gelişimine katkıda bulunur. Bebekler için yumuşak peluş oyuncaklar, onlara güven ve güvenlik hissi verir. Oyun oynamak, çocukların duygusal ifade yeteneklerini ve empati duygusunu geliştirmelerine yardımcı olur.

Zihinsel Gelişim:

Oyuncaklar, çocukların zihinsel becerilerini geliştirmelerine katkıda bulunur. Bulmacalar, matematiksel oyunlar ve yapbozlar, çocukların problem çözme becerilerini artırır. Eğitici oyuncaklar ve kitaplar, çocukların öğrenme isteklerini ve bilgiyi edinme kabiliyetlerini teşvik eder.

Dil Gelişimi:

Oyuncaklar, çocukların dil becerilerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı olur. Bebekler ve küçük çocuklar için konuşan ve müzikal oyuncaklar, kelime dağarcığının gelişmesine ve dilin daha iyi anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunur.

Sosyal Beceriler:

Oyuncaklar, çocukların sosyal becerilerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı olur. Oyun arkadaşlarıyla etkileşim kurarak, paylaşma, işbirliği yapma ve empati gösterme gibi sosyal beceriler geliştirilir.

Hayal Gücü ve Yaratıcılık:

Oyuncaklar, çocukların hayal gücünü ve yaratıcılığını teşvik eder. Basit oyuncaklar bile çocukların farklı senaryolar oluşturmasına ve kendi hikayelerini yaratmasına olanak tanır.

Oyuncaklar, çocukların gelişim süreçlerinde büyük bir rol oynamaktadır. Ebeveynlerin, çocukları için uygun oyuncakları seçmeleri ve onlarla etkileşim kurmaları önemlidir. Doğru oyuncaklarla çocuklar, keyifli ve eğitici bir şekilde gelişir ve öğrenirler.

What Are the Benefits of Toy Kitchens For Children?

Children like to play in creative games, adding different roles and scenarios. Play kitchens are a popular resource, especially for role-playing, as they give children the opportunity to imitate familiar situations. Children who really like to play the role of head cook, waiter, kitchen attendant or parent at home, with game kitchens allow them to imagine themselves in new roles and prepare exciting scenarios.

Playing with kitchen toys is not only a fun activity for children, but also an activity that benefits the development of a child. Young children learn through play and are always exploring and experimenting. Therefore, below you can find a list of the main benefits that playgrounds provide to children.

The Benefits of Playgrounds and Kitchen Toys for Children

Creativity and Imagination

Playing role-playing games with kitchen toys is an exciting and fun activity that expands children's imagination and enriches their creativity. It gives children the chance to create their own creative recipes and discover different imitation ingredients.

Imitating the actions of adults they see, or formulating their own use for the objects they use, they enjoy experimenting with various kitchen toys to create imaginary scenarios.

Language and Communication

Role-playing gives children the opportunity to express themselves creatively and engage in storytelling. Children develop their language development and communication by vocalizing the role they play.

Kitchen toys and kitchen games cause a child to learn the names of new objects and food. At the same time, the child's vocabulary also expands when using new verbs such as ”to cook“ and ”to stir“, as well as opposite words such as ”hot“ and ”cold".

Social Skills and Teamwork

Play kitchens and kitchen toys encourage little ones to play with other children, increasing their social development. They create discussions about who will play what role, what they should cook and how to do it.

Thanks to this, this situation encourages children to work as a team and cooperate so that they can do the job faster. It encourages them to share, take turns and listen to other people's ideas about what to cook.

Planning and Organization

Children typically enjoy the process of arranging their toy kitchens and kitchen toys. Determining different roles and organizing different types of food into portions will give them a lot of pleasure and will spend a lot of time on them.

If the game kitchen is organized, they will tend to discover that the kitchen game has become a more fun activity. Children can store toy kitchen utensils in cupboards and neatly arrange dishes and cutlery for their guests. At this time, they will also improve their organizational abilities when planning what they will do and who will make which dish.

Life Skills

When children start a culinary role-playing game, they portray real-life professions and situations with which they are familiar. This teaches children the basic concepts of cooking and cleaning, which enriches their understanding of the world and improves their life skills.

Whether they're setting the table, doing the dishes, or pretending to bake cakes, role-playing in the kitchen tends to increase their empathy for others because it gives them an idea of what it would be like to cook in the kitchen or work as a chef.

Independence and Self-Confidence

Providing children with their own toy kitchen increases their self-esteem by giving them a sense of independence. Thanks to this, children fully accept the role of working in a kitchen and become responsible for jul it clean, organizing things and taking care of different items in the kitchen.

When children take on real-life culinary roles and play outstanding roles, such as head cooks, they also begin to develop leadership qualities.

Problem Solving

Culinary role-playing games develop a child's cognitive ability and problem-solving skills. The emergence of such problems as the disappearance of a fork forces children to find a solution. The problem-solving abilities of children who have to replace the fork with something else or come up with their own solution to find the lost item also develop.


Toy kitchens also help develop a child's math skills. Children can count how many plates they need, weigh the ingredients, or count how many minutes the food should wait in the oven, which improves their mathematical learning while playing.

Visual Recognition

Toy kitchens give children the opportunity to identify new objects and food. In toy kitchens you can find a variety of items, which gives children the opportunity to categorize different types of food and kitchen utensils.

Healthy Food Options

You can encourage children to make healthier food choices by adding different types of toy foods such as fruits, vegetables, eggs and meat to your role-playing games. They dream up dishes that they cook in appetizing scenarios, which encourages them to love and eat that dish in real life as well.

Motor Capabilities

Toy kitchens also help develop a child's fine motor skills, because they perform a variety of activities using utensils and tools in game environments.

Now it's time to put on little aprons and create delicious dishes in toy kitchens!

You can buy many kitchen toys and toy kitchen sets suitable for your child by examining our kitchen toys category.


Expressing that a significant part of the toys offered for sale do not meet the necessary safety and health criteria, experts point out that parents are more aware of choosing the right toys than before.

Health and confidence in the choice of toys are two important titles that complement each other. It is necessary to pay attention to two of them. When buying toys, stay away from toys made of materials that are flammable, flammable, smell bad, and are at risk of poisoning. Take care that the toys do not contain heavy metals and harmful chemicals. Children's efforts to recognize toys by mouth and fingers are a common occurrence. Protect your child from adverse conditions caused by toy parts, such as swallowing, escaping into the windpipe, fingers and limbs being stuck. Toys; they can cause injuries from hard, cutting and breakable materials. In order not to encounter this situation, check whether the toys comply with safety standards.”

Toys with batteries can be dangerous

When the batteries in the toy wait for a long time, the chemicals in it may leak. Make sure that the connections of the batteries and electrical cables in the toys are hidden so that your child does not come into contact with the batteries and does not reach the open electrical cables.

Choose toys according to the age of your child.

Choose toys that are suitable for your child's age group. Remember that toys selected by age group will support your child's physical, emotional and mental development. Stay away from all toys that normalize the concepts of dying and killing, which can have a bad effect on children, especially a toy gun, and carry an element of violence.

Support your child's mental development with games and toys that strengthen memory.

Contribute to the development of your child with educational toys that develop the skills of selective attention, focus and concentration, piece-whole and shape-ground relationship.

Make sure that the toys you buy develop your child's mathematical, connecting thinking and problem solving skills. Remember that playing with the right toys, their child's mental skills develop faster.

Develop your child's ability to copy, transfer information and develop long-term and short-term memory with games and toys that improve memory.

Improve the ability of most of you to act together, share and communicate socially, as well as the concepts of beat-to-beat with games played in groups.

Entertain him both with his musical toys and improve his learning skill.

Take advantage of the education of music in toys. With the help of musical toys, develop the child's long dexterity and help him explore the limits of his imagination. Educational toys contribute to the spiritual, mental, physical, and development of children. Choose toys with this awareness, keep games and toys that do not meet the EU toy safety and child health criteria away from your children.



    Toys are very important for supporting child development. It is very useful for babies and children to choose the right toys according to their age. Instead of buying a lot of toys, the right toy becomes more appropriate at the right time.

    Sometimes you may find that your child is always playing with the same toys or is bored. In this case, use the toys in your home alternately. Raise one part of the toy for a week, let it play with different toys. Then download the above, remove some of the old ones. Do not forget to tell your child while doing this.



    Colorful Ball

    Rotations: Increase the benefits of the music of the spinner by playing it to your baby at different times of the day and in different settings. Sing along or hum along. When you do this, you will see that your baby begins to be accompanied more and more. Try to look at the period from the point of view of the baby. Change the position of the spinner or decoy every once in a while so that your baby will see it in different ways. From the very beginning, your baby will listen to your voice and react. Use this link to show you things about spinence—colors, movement, swinging characters.

    Soft Ball

    Projectors: Ideal for calming down. Help your baby learn to adjust himself to stop crying and calm down. Along with calm sounds, music and images, the projector helps the baby to understand when to calm down and go to sleep. Study the sound settings until you find music that sounds calming, especially to you and the baby, then take a few minutes for yourself: listening to calming sounds while your baby falls asleep can also be a peaceful time for you. Have you seen it?

    Signal movement and lights to help your baby focus.



    Audio Books


    Baby Gymnastics Centers / Game Mat / Game Center: The game mat and so on teach the reaction to impact. Colors and bright contrasting patterns are a great way to stimulate your baby's eyesight. Point out the colors and say the names of the animals, and your baby will learn that he, too, can change his focus, although he will not yet understand their meaning.

    Cloth Dolls and Easy-to-Grasp Soft Toys: Plush Animals and Dolls (long-bodied toys with a thickness that a baby can palm up, that make a sound when they shake, or in the form of rings). Colors and bright contrasting patterns are a great way to stimulate your baby's eyesight. Point out the colors and say the names of the animals, and your baby will learn that he, too, can change his focus, although he will not yet understand their meaning.

    Bell socks, Colored socks (hand socks, if available)

    Toy Animals

    If a toy makes a sound, use this opportunity to stimulate your baby's hearing. Take your baby's hands in your own and gently clap them together to the music. Make expressive facial expressions on the one hand, while cheerfully singing the song or imitating sounds.


    1 and 2 in the third month. toys that are used per month can be used. In addition, october;

    Rattles and Colored Teethers: 1. Shake it. Place the rattle in the baby's hand and shake it gently. It is at this age that babies begin to gain control over the new new grip—they can hold and release something at will— your baby will most likely be interested in holding, shaking and lowering the rattle. Rattles improve hand control and hand eye alignment. He teaches the baby where the toy begins, where the body ends. 2. Did you hear that? Help the baby exercise his coordination abilities by keeping the toy in front, shaking it and making him lie down on it. Place the rattle in the baby's hand, shake it and say, "Did you hear the sound? You did it!" Highlighting the award will make him want to try again. 3. Choose a rattle that is large enough for the baby to hold with both hands. Place it in the baby's hand; he will hold it first with one hand, then with the other and release it. This movement will improve the ability to move an object from hand to hand.

    Rubber Squeaky Toy

    An activity rug in black and white and red colors and with geometric shapes on it

    A pillow or toy that makes a sound that it can kick

    Cartons, cubes made in contrasting colors (such as black – white – red), consisting of geometric shapes or schematic human faces

    Music CDs that you want to listen to for your baby, CDs that record white sounds (such as the sound of water, the sound of a broom, the sound of “shh”)

    Toys with different textures (fabric, cotton, glass, wood, etc.)

    Colored Rings


    Toys from previous months can be continued.

    Fabric, washable books: Gives you a tactile experience; nurtures the love of books.

    Soft blocks of bright colors, different textures and shapes: helps to recognize colors and shapes

    Soft ball: Improves hand - eye harmony

    Comforting objects that encourage imaginary play


    Toys that enhance the sense of self: Mirror, baby mirror

    Teething rings: Soothe uncomfortable gums.

    Activity toys

    Musical and illuminated toys

    Tiny Cubes

    Plush Toys



    Blocks: Strengthen the perception of size, enable color and shape recognition.

    Balls: Provide hand eye harmony and balance.

    Board Books: Entertaining, multiplying vocabulary.

    Spring Puppets in Boxes: Teach object permanence.

    Toys that she can play with while taking a bath

    Musical and moving toys

    When his hand presses, squeaky toys with

    Toys that move and make sounds when installed

    Empties the contents of the box and the materials from which it can extract the contents

    Rattles, bells: Makes a shaking sound

    Vehicle Picture Books


    Plastic Cups, Plates


    Cookie Monster Box

    Containers: Teaches object persistence.

    Toys stacked on top of each other: Strengthens the perception of size.

    Anything with holes: Teaches object persistence.

    Bath toys (shower, bucket, bucket): Helps to measure and weigh, encourages to explore new environments; meets safe free play.

    It offers dreamy gameplay: Steering Wheel, Simple Cars.

    Percussion toys (Simple piano, xylophone)

    Toys such as dolls, rabbits, dogs with pronounced facial features


    Toys for toddlers

    Toy truck or walker: Provides balance and reinforces walking

    Simple puzzles: Develop november skills, give pre-reading skills.

    Teddy bear rings: Help with dexterity.

    Matching toys: Matching is a math skill with.

    Sorting bag: Promotes sorting, is the first math skill.

    Shape inserter: Helps sorting skill, strengthen size perception

    Stacked rings in a row: Gives the ability to sort.

    Toys with wheels pulled from a rope: Toys with wheels that go while standing,

    Simple geometric shapes thrown into the box

    Simple and short children's songs


    Overlapping rings

    Finger puppets

    Toy animal figures

    Water pool and toys

    Toys that improve hand-eye coordination

    Toys that can be ridden

    Cars, trucks, trains and other vehicles

    Construction game sets


    at the age of 2-3 years, children begin to dramatize the everyday events that they experience around them. Therefore, the most suitable toys for children of this period are those that they can use in their dramatic games.

    Dolls of different sizes

    Various puppets

    Room sets

    Kitchen supplies


    Cleaning materials (shovel, broom)

    Garden tools (hoe, rake, shovel)

    Animal kit

    Transport set (railway track, bridge, railway)

    Doctor equipment

    Sand and water related tools: Again, sand and water are the most favorite play materials of children during this period, and children at this age have a great pleasure in filling and emptying sand into a bucket, mixing sand with water and making a mortar.


    With the increase of children's motor development and the further regulation of their movements, children are very fond of getting up and down, riding tricycles and climbing.


    The rocking horse

    Pedal car

    Wheeled bicycles


    Swing set

    With toys that can be disassembled and installed or broken down and made,

    Cubes that can be lined up from small to large


    Construction materials


    children aged 4, 5 and 6 years enjoy outdoor games, as well as table activities.

    They are very fond of painting, cutting, gluing, painting, making shapes with leftover materials and combining fragmentary riddles. During this period, children's abilities to perceive, remember, disassemble, combine, make mistakes, correct, come up with new interpretations and solutions also develop.

    Blocks, pens, paper, paints, paint brushes, glue, scissors, buttons, beads, toys, and also matching, picture dominoes, bingo and picture in picture cubes puzzle toys are among the most popular activities for children's desk.


    Due to the fact that imaginary games are at their peak, household, grocery, doctor's games and game materials suitable for this period and most preferred by children are: Dolls, household and doctor's sets

    Carpentry tools


    Cleaning and kitchen sets

    Garden tools

    Animal sets, shops

    Rope, ball, rope ladder, sled, ski and skate: During this period, children are very fond of bodily movements and outdoor games such as playing ball, jumping rope, climbing, swimming. There are also some changes in the child's interest in games when he starts school.



When it comes to toys, some think of a car, some think of a doll whose hair shines like the sun, some think of a horse made of wood, and some think of mechanisms that they play on computers through various consoles.

From Small to Large, everyone likes to play games. Some spend hours on the computer dragging their team from tournament to tournament, while others jump rope with their necks, play house with small pots and cups.

The history of the Game and the Toy goes back as far as the existence of mankind. The first toy known in our history belongs to the Egyptians. M.He. it has been documented that Egyptian children in the early fifth century were very fond of riding Wooden Horses, like their current peers. As in all decencies, animals have a special place among the most important toys of children ( in our era it was so ).

We can say that the mass production of wooden horses and similar animals was started by Germany in the 1700s. If you are interested in old toys and toy history and if you are going to travel through Sonneberg / Germany, I am sure that the German Toy Museum will fascinate you. The oldest one found and the main role in the beginning story of the Doll era is played by the German Heinrich Schiliemann. The doll, which is supposed to be made with Greek Clay art, is called ”Rattle Clay Doll”. This doll was made of clay and had movable arms and legs.

in the early 1800s, wooden jointed, molded dolls began to be made, and these dolls were also called Sonneberg Dolls. Dolls that did not have any aesthetics until the beginning of the nineteenth century began to develop towards the end of this century as dolls with slot joints, sleeping eyes, fancy decorative dresses, and capable of making sounds.

When we put the development and appreciation balances of toys on the table, we can easily monitor the Changes in the Interests of societies. For example, in the Middle Ages, children mainly played with knights, horses, soldiers and babies, while nowadays it is also an indicator that Astronauts, Flying Man figures and various weapons and various technologies are equipped with.

In our country, when it is called toy production, the first thing that comes to mind is the Eyüp Toys of the Ottoman Period. Evliya Celebi described Toy Shopkeepers as 100 shops and 105 nefer in her travelogue.

Speaking of Ottoman-era toymakers, we can mention the Circle, Wooden Car, Ferris Wheel, Whistle, Tambourine, Decoy, Pinwheel, Ball, Topac, Shaksak, Mother-in-law's Whine and Mirror Cribs among the toys that children of that period most liked to play with. Speaking of toy museums in Germany, it is impossible not to mention the important toy museums in our country. You can visit the most important of them in Istanbul, Antalya, Izmir and Ankara. Do yourself a favor and take a Trip to the Past with your children or friends this weekend and visit a toy museum near you. Jul, I assure you, you will forget about the stress of the week by going back to your childhood and childhood.



Sonneberg Toy Museum

Ankara University Toy Museum

What is a toy and how is it defined? What significance and function do toys have? Our article contains general information about toys.

TOYS are things that allow children to have fun and linger at a young age. A toy, like a game, greatly helps the child develop spiritually.

It is believed that since prehistoric times, children have been playing with toys. During the excavations carried out in Egypt, Iran, various toys were found, very beautiful dolls and dollhouse items were found in the ruins of the ancient Cretan civilization.

The toy is pleasant as long as it helps a child to expand his dream. Most of the little girls play with dolls, toys and household items and try to put themselves in the shoes of their mothers and other elders. If they can expand their dreams while playing with these toys, the game will continue. Then there comes a point when the toy can no longer feed the child's dream. Then the child gets tired of playing with this toy, goes in search of another way to distract himself.

Sometimes a stick can distract a child for a day, because the imagination of children is much wider than that of adults. A carved wooden head attached to a small stick can be a beautiful Christmas tree in the eyes of a girl, a happy housewife, a famous person that everyone likes. When playing with this toy, he also expands his dream even more, making up various stories. For a boy, it's a stick horse, a sword.

The history of toys in many countries is as old as the history of Mankind. In ancient Egypt, children used to play with wooden dolls, crocodiles made of wood. The boys from Rome were keen on the ball, the car, the hoop. The children of the Middle Ages loved the armored suits of their fathers, the clothes that reminded them of helmets, they took wooden crosses in their hands and played military service. All the toys from the Middle Ages were items that came out of master hands.

New inventions have also had a very important share in increasing the variety of toys. With each new discovery, a new toy has appeared. For example, toy radios, toy ships, toy trains, toy missiles, rockets XX. they are the innovations of the century.

Today it has become an important palace of toymaking all over the world. By the way, toymaking in Japan, in America, is decently advanced. Toys have been made that not only children, but even adults can linger with pleasure. In earlier times, Europe was the center of world toymaking. The French's fancy fancy dolls were famous all over the world, and the city of Nuremberg in Germany had also become the center of the toy industry.